Can anything good come from there?

David 2020, COVID19, Discipleship, Jesus, John, Lectio Divina, Nathanael, Philip, Psalm, Zoom 3 Comments

As we are all adapting to new ways of working and connecting I have started a weekly zoom group for those that want to join in. 

After a trial with seven at the first one we have had around twenty at the next two. The format is simple – share how we are doing, do a brief Lectio Divina style study and then pray together. The group lasts an hour and if I’m honest they have been amazing!

This Monday we read John 1:43-51 together. I asked those who were there to listen to the story and to note down any words, ideas or thoughts that came out of the passage and then we shared them together. Out of the twenty or so thoughts and ideas there were three clear messages that arose.

Follow me – come and see : The first of these is spoken by Jesus and the second by Philip. A simple call to follow and then for others to come and see. How simple it is to invite people to come and see, to take a look at what Jesus is about. We also had a reminder that often we steam on ahead and ask God to meet us where we are at instead of following where God is leading us and then asking others to come and see what is happening.

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How do you know me : Jesus knows Nathanael and Nathanael can’t work out how. This reminded us of Psalm 139 that we are known and no matter where we are or what we are doing God watches over us.

Can anything good can come from there : By far the most common phrase that stuck people was this one spoken by Nathanael. He doesn’t think that Nazareth could produce anything good. He’s written Jesus off. Yet the answer to this rhetorical question is yes! something good can come from that place.

Unsurprisingly the connection with where we are now aren’t hard to see. Lots of people are looking around and asking what good can come from this. It is hard for people not to see family or friends, to not be allowed out and to worry about how long it may last. What good can come?

But as we began to share the good things it was great to hear of seeds that will hopefully grow into fruitful plants going forward. Neighbours talking who have never spoken before, WhatsApp groups and newsletters. Bedtime stories read to children, communities knitting together.

There is still difficulties, uncertainty, fear and anxiety around their situation but there is also hope, grace, and love. Can anything good come from all of this.

Yes, yes it can!

Comments 3

  1. Thanks again David for organising these. I find them so uplifting and a lovely opportunity to catch up with so many people albeit virtually. It’s such a pleasure being part of a Church that is reaching out to its members and the wider community in this way.

  2. In January we were lamenting Brexit. Whichever side of the debate you favoured, it was heartbreaking to watch as our country polarised, neighbour against neighbour and racism was rampant. I have seen so much healing of that rift in just 2 short weeks due to the circumstances we find ourselves in. Whole communities drawing together to help each other – and others beyond. But I remember also that the healing of this rift is costing lives. Real lives and not just numbers on a statition’s chart.

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