Father, forgive…

David Election, Prophesy, Vote Leave a Comment

It’s a dark day for many.

For others it’s a day of celebration and joy.

I hope in 5 years I will look back and realise I was wrong.

No one may ever read this but I need to get it on paper and out of my head so that I can find out where God is in all of this.  So here are the things swirling round my head that I am trying to work out and make sense of as well as some reflections on it all.

It’s time to prophesy  

It’s not scientific in any way but from my social networks, which contain a number of Methodist, Anglican, Baptist and Free church ministers, not one has expressed joy at what has happened today.  The sense is that this is the beginning of 5 hard years for many, many people.  In fact for many there is a sense of disbelief that people can’t see the pain that has already been caused in 5 years past.

If I broaden this to all christians on my social networks, then there are a handful who voted Conservative (I can count them on one hand), but again the overwhelming response is disbelief at what has happened.  These people come from different theological and political backgrounds and from the length and breadth of the country and they all tell the same story.  The poor, disabled, sick, homeless, hungry, and sojourner are suffering and it is an injustice.

If as the church of Jesus we believe this is wrong then I feel our only choice is to prophesy.  I don’t mean in its slightly skewed understanding of predicting the future but in its more biblically grounded meaning of speaking the word of the Lord to those in places of power and to the predominant culture.  We need to be bold in our pronouncements, we need to challenge injustice in all walks of life, we need to speak against oppression in all forms and we need to offer hope.

It’s time to act

For the last 12 years I have lived in 3 different areas and have met many people who are on the edge of our society.  Some are there by choice but most are there because of other circumstance.  Mental health is a big reason many find themselves on the street,  others are from broken homes and others are there because they have never been given a chance.  I have sat with them, talked with them, played football with them, brought them food parcels, stood with them in court, cooked for them, given them blankets to sleep in and more.  They are inspiring challenging people and with a little help they can have a profound effect upon our society

There are others who find themselves on the edge or in difficult positions in our country.  Cancer, dementia, alzheimers, slavery, prostitution, abuse.  People don’t ask for these,  yet they push people and their families and friends in to difficult positions.   Benefits become a lifeline, foodbanks a necessity and care and support a daily need.

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I need to help more and encourage everyone who will listen to do the same.

I need to do all I can to bring those on the edge to the centre.

It’s time to hope

My very human response to all this is to mope, to feel sorry for myself (though my pain is for others at this moment), and to get angry at how wrong it all seems.

That is giving in.

That is allowing fear to rule and for darkness to preside.

What we need is hope.  Not just in a better future for all people from top to bottom but in a God who is slow to anger, rich in mercy and steadfast in love.  Who seeks justice for the widow, orphan and foreigner over the dominion of the powerful.

So let us hope, and keep on hoping in a God who does a new thing, who resurrects that which is dead, redeems that which is lost.

Let’s do this.

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